Frequently Asked Questions - Privacy

AccessManitoba Privacy

How is my personal information protected?

Your personal information is protected under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Manitoba) (FIPPA) and, in the case of any personal health information collected for your profile, The Personal Health Information Act (Manitoba) (PHIA). Manitoba cannot use or disclose your information for other purposes unless you consent or Manitoba is authorized to do so by FIPPA or PHIA.

To use AccessManitoba, you must review and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Notice and Client Consent - Information Sharing.

If you have questions about the collection, use or disclosure of the personal information or personal health information that you have provided to AccessManitoba, please contact the AccessManitoba help desk by email , or by mail at:

c/o Business Transformation and Technology
1100 – 215 Garry Street
Winnipeg, MB, R3C 3P3